Florida State Seal followed by Eighth judicial circuit

  • More about Project Payback

  • Project Payback Contact Information

  • Job Employability Skills Training

  • Community Restitution Service Hours

  • Juvenile Justice Resource Guide for Alachua County

  • Interning or Volunteering for Project Payback

  • Alachua County Truancy Commission

  • Alachua County Juvenile Justice Prevention Plan

  • Project Payback Community Restitution Work Log

  • Community Restitution Service

  • Community Restitution Service Hours

    Project Payback gives juveniles who are unemployable the option of completing Community Restitution Service hours in order to pay back their restitution balance. There are some specific requirements of which you need to be aware if you or your child is going to be completing community restitution service hours:

    • The option of doing community restitution service hours to pay off a restitution balance is reserved for children who are unable to become employed; this is usually because the child is under 16 years of age or because the child is in a residential commitment program.
    • Community restitution service hours are separate from, and in addition to, any Court-ordered community service that your child might be required to complete and submit to his/her juvenile probation officer.
    • Your child must complete hours at an approved site. Any non-profit organization is acceptable.
    • You must use the provided Project Payback log, not the Department of Juvenile Justice log.
    • At the top of the log, you must include the site where your child worked, the supervisor’s name, and a contact telephone number.
    • The date of service, time began and ended, total number of hours completed, and the activity must be filled out and signed by the person who actually supervised that day’s activity, not the parent/guardian.
    • All logs will be verified before being paid out.
    • You must turn in the log during the same month that the work was completed; otherwise it may not be accepted. For example, if you turn in a log in June for community restitution service completed in April, Project Payback may not be able to accept the hours if we are unable to verify them.
    • For every hour of community restitution service that Project Payback verifies your child has successfully completed at an approved site, the victim will be paid $10.00 towards the court ordered restitution.
    • You must turn in your community restitution service log to Project Payback, not to your juvenile probation officer.